Research Skill Sessions

Upcoming Tutorials and Workshops around Princeton 

Spring 2025

PRESS Tutorials

Survey Research: Tools, Tips, and Best Practices Thursday, February 6, 2025, 1:30pm-3:30pm

Location: TBA

Description: This workshop, delivered by PSRC postdoc Komal Preet Kaur, is designed for graduate students to provide an overview of key aspects of survey design and implementation, including:

·  Types of samples, and strategies for recruiting participants

·  Types of survey experiments

·  Considerations for questionnaire design, including question wording, length, and order

·  Implementing and managing surveys using Qualtrics

·  Developing a pre-analysis plan and addressing replicability challenges in research

·  Ethical considerations, including data privacy, CITI training, and IRB approval

DDSS Hosted Tutorials

Overview and Deterministic Record Linkage (Session I) Mar 24, 2025, 4:30 pm

Probabilistic Record Linkage (Session II) Mar 31, 2025, 4:30 pm

Record Linkage Pitfalls and Scalability (Session III) Apr 7, 2025, 4:30 pm

Location: Bendheim House, Room 103

Description: This workshop series introduces record linkage as a generic problem, breaking the task into its component steps. For each step -- from preprocessing and blocking, to generating matches and clustering – he will discuss best practices, potential pitfalls, and scalability while working through examples of implementations in the social sciences. This workshop is ideal for any research involving administrative or electoral data, where linking by names or addresses is necessary. 

Library Hosted Tutorials

Geospatial Analysis with ArcGIS Online

Location: Lewis Library - Eclassroom Room 225, Lewis Science Library Monday, March 24, 2025

Description: Esri has developed the R-ArcGIS Bridge to support data transfer and analysis between ArcGIS Pro and R. Based on a Rice University workshop, this session uses ArcGIS Pro and R-Studio to analyze gun-related arrests in Philadelphia in 2021. Users will learn how to connect R to ArcGIS Pro, and how to install the arcgisbinding package. Data in ArcGIS Pro will be ported into R-Studio, where a statistical analysis will be performed. The results will be ported back into ArcGIS Pro for further analysis. Students will use ArcGIS Pro, R-Studio and R installed on the classroom’s Windows computers. This workshop is ideal for projects that involve manipulating or analyzing large quantities of geospatial data. 

Research Computing Tutorials