Research Resources

Journal Reference Guide
Journal Reference Guide

This academic journal reference guide is a helpful tool when deciding where to submit your research articles. It allows you to compare different journals, learn about their formatting guidelines, and see how they rank in terms of impact. CSDP will be regularly updating this reference as journal guidelines and editorial…

Using Administrative Data
Administrative Data in American and Comparative Political Science

This workshop introduces students to the use of administrative datasets in political science. In the workshop, we survey the use of administrative data in both the American and Comparative subfields, discuss the advantages of such data relative to other research approaches,…

Large-Scale Data Collection Using ChatGPT API and R

Collecting novel and large-scale data has become essential to social science research. This workshop instructed attendees on how to use R and Chatgpt API to automate the large-scale data collection and cleaning process, dramatically reducing the time and costs put into collecting and cleaning data. The workshop discussed how Chatgpt can extract…