CSDP reviews grant applications in two semi-annual rounds -- late October and late April.
The SPRING 2025 deadline for applications is APRIL 30, 2025
CSDP invites CSDP-affiliated graduate students to apply for research funding to support projects relevant to democratic politics. Grant applications will be reviewed by the CSDP Executive Committee and awarded on the basis of scientific merit, feasibility, and likelihood of leading to published research and/or substantial improvement in the student’s doctoral dissertation. There is no formal grant maximum, but the overall pool of grant money is limited and more economical proposals of similar quality will receive preference. In addition, any proposal requesting in excess of $5000 must include documentation of submission to outside agencies or foundations (such as NSF).
Solo grants are available up to two times during the student’s graduate studies at Princeton (any additional co-PI grants are at the discretion of the executive committee). We anticipate that most of these CSDP grants will go to third- and fourth- year graduate students.
The application form will ask you to provide the name of your committee chair or primary adviser, so that CSDP can solicit a note from them that indicates their confidence in the scientific rigor and value of the proposed research project. You should also be prepared to list the members of your committee if known, and any other funding sources to which you've applied or plan to apply for support for this project.
Applications must include:
IV. Plan for IRB approval. For proposals involving human subjects, approval by the university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) is required before CSDP will transfer monies or reimburse costs.