Research Assistants

CSDP Faculty Affiliates:

CSDP encourages scholarly engagement between our students and faculty by subsidizing the employment of CSDP-affiliated graduate students as research assistants. CSDP covers half the hourly wages of eligible students, up to $2000 per student per fiscal year (first-years are capped at $1500) as a 50-50 match. (CSDP-affiliated graduate students received language to this effect in their offers of admission to the Politics Ph.D. program.)  CSDP faculty affiliates who wish to hire an eligible student as a Research Assistant should meet with the student to agree on the nature of the work, expected duration, and hourly pay rate, and then contact Tim Waldron ([email protected]) so he can set up an account and approve the RA’s hours bi-weekly. If you have a project but no specific student in mind, please provide Tim with a brief description and we will attempt to facilitate a match. CSDP-affiliated graduate students are listed on this website.

CSDP-affiliated graduate students:

The aim of this offer is to encourage students to engage closely with members of our faculty and to learn first-hand about the process of conducting scholarly research. You can find a list of affiliated faculty on this website. The details of your CSDP RA support are mentioned above.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity. If you are interested in working with a CSDP faculty member, you should feel free to contact them directly. Once you have agreed on a work arrangement (the nature of the work, expected duration, and hourly pay rate), you should ask them to contact Tim Waldron ([email protected]) so he can set up an account. If you are interested in working on a project but do not have a specific faculty member in mind, you can contact Tim.

This policy will be reviewed periodically to assess its effectiveness and budgetary impact.