You, HyeYoung, Alexander V. Hirsch, Karam Kang, and Pablo Montagnes. 2023. “Lobbyists As Gatekeepers: Theory and Evidence”. Referenced from Lobbyists as Gatekeepers: Theory and Evidence. Reference Link
You, HyeYoung, and Kyuwon Lee. 2023. “Bureaucratic Revolving Doors and Interest Group Participation in Policymaking”. Referenced from Bureaucratic Revolving Doors and Interest Group Participation in Policymaking. Reference Link
You, HyeYoung, Pamela Ban, and Ju Yeon Park. 2024. “Hearings on the Hill: The Politics of Informing Congress”. Referenced from Hearings on the Hill: The Politics of Informing Congress. Reference Link
McCarty, Nolan, and Sepehr Shahshahani. 2023. “Testing Political Antitrust”. Referenced from Testing Political Antitrust. Reference Link
Judd, Gleason. “Access to Proposers and Influence in Legislatures”. Referenced from Access to Proposers and Influence in Legislatures. Reference Link