I am an Assistant Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. My research examines the intersection of bureaucratic politics and political behavior. I devote particular focus to law enforcement agencies which, despite their normative importance as one of the most visible and powerful public bureaucracies, have received relatively scant attention from political scientists to date. In addition to evaluating the efficacy of police reform, I also study how police tactics influence public perceptions of institutions and the social world.
In addition to my work on policing, I have authored studies on partisan polarization, political communication and racial and ethnic politics. I also conduct methodological research on issues relevant to my substantive work, including statistical modeling and experimental design. My research exploits a range of data sources and research designs including survey and natural experiments, qualitative interviews and administrative records obtained through public information requests to government agencies.
My work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Journal of Politics, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, American Politics Research and Politics, Groups and Identities. Before beginning my doctoral studies, I was a staff writer at The Washington Post, where I covered crime and politics in the Washington, D.C. region.