Maria Krupenkin
2023-2024 CSDP Fellow
Kyu Won Lee
2023-2024 CSDP Fellow
Yphtach Lelkes
2023-2024 CSDP Fellow
Marayna Martinez
Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Connor Phillips
2023-2024 CSDP Fellow
Jacob R Brown
2022-2023 CSDP Fellow
Jared Clemons
2022-2023 Joint Fellow, CSDP and Politics
Hanno Hilbig
2022-2023 CSDP Fellow
Gregory Leslie
2022-2023 Joint Fellow, CSDP and Politics
Maria Silfa
2022-2023 CSDP Fellow
Michelangelo Landgrave
Joint Fellow, CSDP and department of politics
William Marble
CSDP Fellow
Eli Rau
CSDP Fellow
Alexander Sahn
CSDP Fellow
Christine Slaughter
Joint Fellow, CSDP and department of politics
Jaclyn Kaslovsky
2020-2021 CSDP Fellow
Neil O'Brian
2020-2021 CSDP Fellow
Julia Payson
2020-2021 CSDP Fellow
Emily West
2020-2021 CSDP Fellow
Charlotte Cavaille
2019-2020 CSDP Fellow
Chinbo Chong
2019-2020 CSDP Fellow
Jesse Crosson
2019-2020 CSDP Fellow
Melinda (Molly) Ritchie
2019-2020 CSDP Fellow
Steven White
2019-2020 CSDP Fellow
Jacob Grumbach
2018-2019 CSDP Fellow
Kevin Munger
2018-2019 CSDP Fellow
Rachel Augustine Potter
2018-2019 CSDP Fellow
Danielle Thomsen
2018-2019 CSDP Fellow
Octavia (Dana) Foarta
2017-2018 Fellow, CSDP and JRCPPF
Daniel Gillion
2017-2018 CSDP Fellow
Sally Nuamah
(2016-2018 Values and Public Policy Postdoctoral Research Associate with appointment in the Woodrow Wilson School/Center for the Study of Democratic Politics and the University Center for Human Values. PhD Northwestern University 2016)
Thomas Ogorzalek
2017-2018 CSDP Fellow
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University
Elliott Ash
PhD economics 2016, JD 2010, Columbia University
Chloe Bakalar
2015-2017 Values and Public Policy Postdoctoral Research Associate
Devin Caughey
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John Holbein
PhD Candidate, Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy
Peter Loewen
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto.
Pia Raffler
Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science,Yale University.
Kevin Arceneaux
Professor of Political Science and Director of the Behavioral Foundations Lab, Temple University.
Tom Clark
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Political Science, Emory University
Rachel Stein
Assistant Professor of Political Science, George Washington University
Marko Klasnja
PhD Candidate, New York University
Claire S. H. Lim
Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University
Natalie (Talia) Stroud
Associate Professor of Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin.
Sean Westwood
PhD Candidate in Political Communication, Stanford University
A. David Bateman
PhD candidate, University of Pennsylvania
Kyle Dropp
Ph.D. candidate, Stanford University
Jean-Francois Godbout
Associate Professor of political science, University of Montreal.
Miguel Rueda
Ph.D. candidate, Political Science, University of Rochester
Saumitra Jha
Assistant Professor of political economy, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Marc Meredith
Assistant Professor of political science, University of Pennsylvania
Maria Petrova
UBS Assistant Professor of Economics, New Economic School in Moscow
Victoria Shineman
PhD candidate in Politics, New York University
Peter Enns
Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Cornell University
Miriam A. Golden
Professor of Political Science, University of California at Los Angeles
Isabela Mares
Associate Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
Monika Nalepa
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame
Jeffrey A. Segal
SUNY Distinguished Professor and chair of the political science department, Stony Brook University
Katharine Baldwin
Ph.D. in political science, Columbia University
Rikhil Bhavnani
Ph.D. candidate in political science, Stanford University
Adam Bonica
Ph.D. candidate, politics, New York University
Frederick Solt
Assistant professor, political science and sociology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
Michael Jones-Correa
Professor of government, Cornell University
Diana Mutz
Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication, University of Pennsylvania
David Nickerson
Assistant Professor of political Science, University of Notre Dame
David Rueda
Professor of comparative politics and Fellow of Merton College, Oxford University
Jeffrey E. Cohen
Professor of Political Science, Fordham University
Carrie Konold
PhD candidate in political science, University of Michigan
Beth Leech
Associate Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
Leslie McCall
Associate Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University
Milan Svolik
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dinissa Duvanova
Assistant Professor of political science, State University of New York, Buffalo
Rodney Hero
Packey J. Dee Professor of American Democracy, University of Notre Dame
Thomas Sattler
Ph.D.2007, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland
Ismail White
Assistant Professor of political science, The Ohio State University
Cesar Zucco Jr.
PhD Political Science, UCLA
Edward Carmines
Warner O. Chapman Professor of Political Science and Rudy Professor, Indiana University
Patrick Egan
Ph.D. candidate political science, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Gingerich
PhD candidate, government, Harvard University
Karen Long Jusko
PhD candidate political science, University of Michigan
Tasha Philpot
Assistant Professor of government, University of Texas at Austin.
Robert D Putnam
Malkin Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University
Bethany Albertson
PhD candidate political science, University of Chicago
Robert Erikson
Professor of political science, Columbia University
Sanford Clark Gordon
Assistant Professor of politics, New York University
Zoltan Hajnal
Assistant Professor of political science, University of California, San Diego
Hans Noel
PhD candidate political science, University of California, Los Angeles
Matthew Cleary
Assistant Professor of political science, Syracuse University
Rebecca Morton
Professor of politics, New York University
Andrew Rudalevige
Associate Professor of political science, Dickinson College
Richard Valelly
Professor of Political Science, Swarthmore College
Dawn Brancati
Ph.D. 2003, Columbia University
Charles Cameron
Associate Professor of political science, Columbia University
Shigeo Hirano
Assistant Professor of politics, New York University
Graeme Robertson
PhD candidate in political science, Columbia University
Daniel J. Tichenor
Associate Professor of political science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
John G. Geer
Professor of political science, Vanderbilt University
John Huber
Professor of political science, Columbia University
Valerie F. Hunt
PhD candidate in Political Science, University of Washington
David Karol
PhD candidate Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles
Markus Prior
Ph.D. candidate Communication, Stanford University
Ken Shotts
Assistant Professor of political science, Northwestern University
Christopher H. Achen
Professor of political science, University of Michigan
David Campbell
PhD candidate political science, Harvard University
Marc Hetherington
Assistant Professor of Government, Bowdoin College
Keith Krehbiel
Edward B. Rust Professor of political science, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Rose Razaghian
Ph.D. candidate political science, Columbia University
Amber L. Seligson
PhD candidate
Jason Barabas
Ph.D. political science, Northwestern University
Scott Desposato
Ph.D. candidate, UCLA
Jeffery A. Jenkins
Assistant Professor of political science, Michigan State University.
Richard R. Lau
Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University