
Hye Young You Publishes New Book, Hearings on the Hill: The Politics of Informing Congress

Good public policy in a democracy relies on efficient and accurate information flows between individuals with firsthand, substantive expertise and elected legislators. While legislators are tasked with the job of making and passing policy, they are politicians and not substantive experts. To make well-informed policy, they must rely on the…

Zelizer Features Nation’s Top Political Experts in New Book on Election Integrity

Julian Zelizer, the Malcolm Stevenson Forbes, Class of 1941 Professor of History and Public Affairs and CSDP affiliate, has co-edited his latest book, Our Nation at Risk: Election Integrity as a National Security Issue. The book, published by NYU Press, showcases the nation’s top political scientists, historians, and legal scholars as…

Andy Guess Publishes Two Articles on Social Media in Science
How do social media feed algorithms affect attitudes and behavior in an election campaign?

Andrew M. Guess, Neil Malhotra, Jennifer Pan, Pablo Barberá, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Drew Dimmery, Deen Freelon, Matthew Gentzkow, Sandra González-Bailón, Edward Kennedy, Young Mie Kim, David Lazer, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan,…

Privatizing Justice by Sarah Staszak

While the use of arbitration in the private sector has grown dramatically in recent decades, arbitration itself is not new. Yet the practice today looks very different than it did at its origins. How did arbitration shift from providing a low cost, less adversarial, and more efficient way of handling disputes between…

Making the Supreme Court by Kastellec and Cameron

Appointments to the United States Supreme Court are now central events in American political life. Every vacancy unleashes a bitter struggle between Republicans and Democrats over nominees; and once the seat is filled, new justices typically vote in predictable ways. Making the Supreme Court examines 90 years of American political…

How Do Racial Appeals Work in American Politics? Stephens-Dougan Book Investigates "Racial Distancing"

Much social science research over the years focuses on how white, usually Republican, candidates use negative racial appeals and race in campaigns. But are Black politicians advantaged when they indicate that they are not “too liberal” on matters of race, by invoking negative stereotypes about other Black people? This strategy is what LaFleur…

Is the Supreme Court a Guardian or Player?

Chief Justice Roberts writes an annual report on the state of the Supreme Court, and reminded readers just a few months ago that “The Judiciary is, of course, an independent and self-governing branch of government, but it has nevertheless sought input from all interested quarters.” Is that an accurate reflection of the way the Court functions?…

How Do People Get "Hooked" on Politics? Where Does Political Interest Come From, and Why Does It Matter?

Markus Prior, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at Princeton and a CSDP Faculty Associate, has been researching the origins and influence of political interest, culminating in a book to be released this fall: Hooked: How Politics Captures People's Interest (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press). Political interest is the…

What Happens When We Militarize Police? Jonathan Mummolo Finds Potential Harm to Police Reputation, Failure to Enhance Officer Safety or Reduce Crime

Four years ago, coverage of the heavily armed police response to protests in Ferguson, Missouri fueled a national debate about police militarization. Police claim militarized units enhance public and officer safety. Critics claim they target racial minorities and erode trust in police.  Jonathan Mummolo wanted to know who was right. His…

What actually drives the politics of Supreme Court appointments?
Scholars have produced a wealth of empirical studies of the Supreme Court’s appointment and confirmation process, but have produced only one integrated theory that connects both the nomination and confirmation decisions. Charles Cameron and John Kastellec evaluate Supreme Court nominations from 1937 to 2010 and find inadequacies in the theory’s ability to explain confirmation politics.
How are European parties resolving inclusion dilemmas?
How are European parties resolving inclusion dilemmas – knowing that reaching out to new voter groups, especially including Muslim candidates, will please some and upset other members of a party’s existing coalition? Rafaela Dancygier’s book, Dilemmas of Inclusion: Muslims in European Politics, casts a new light on research about electoral coalitions and minority representation.